Recipe Challenge: Ruske Kape (Russian Hats)

Hullo and velcome to my blog! (I hope you read that in a Russian accent)

Today’s post is my entry into Lina’s recipe challenge for February, which was cakes from around the world. What a funĀ idea! I picked Ruske Kape, or Russian Hats, which are adorable little individual cakes, which kind of resemble (surprise surprise) Russian fur hats. According to Wikipedia, they are from Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia. They consist of two layers of spongey chocolate cake, sandwiched together with buttercream, decorated on the sides with coconut and topped with chocolate. Yum!

Now, I have to admit, this WAS indeed a challenge. Continue reading “Recipe Challenge: Ruske Kape (Russian Hats)”

Heavenly Coconut Slice

Hello everyone, how’ve you been?

I’ve been fairly busy, both in and out of the kitchen. I haven’t had anything particularly noteworthy to share with you until a few days ago, but I thought I might do another little compilation like I did a few posts ago to catch you up with what I’ve been making. Continue reading “Heavenly Coconut Slice”

Feijoa and Coconut Cake (gluten and dairy-free)

Well, we truly are in the throes of autumn. While it’s sad to farewell the sun, autumn yields some amazing fruit as a consolation. I am delighting in feijoas, persimmons and tamarillos. This truly is my absolute favourite thing about autumn – the daily gorge of seasonal fruit. Yum! Continue reading “Feijoa and Coconut Cake (gluten and dairy-free)”