Healthier Chocolate Caramel Slice (gluten-free, dairy-free, vegan, low refined sugar)

Hello friends!

Sorry it’s been a bit quiet on the blog lately, most of my spare writing energy is channelled into thesis writing these days. I had a great time in the USA, although that feels like ages ago now. I enjoyed exploring San Francisco, the conference was excellent, and I spent a couple of days in Yosemite National Park, which was stunning! I did try one snickerdoodle in the States, but I have to say, mine were nicer. Perhaps it wasn’t so fresh.

Now, as I’ve mentioned before on the blog, I’m fairly skeptical of so-called ‘healthy baking recipes’ as they tend to be oversold by people who have forgotten what butter tastes like. But I’d seen this one extolled by people I trust (such as my friend Jess), and my curiosity was piqued. I finally got around to making it, and I have to say, I was impressed!

I wouldn’t say it tastes identical to a regular Chocolate Caramel Slice, but it’s pretty damned good, and so pleasing to know that it’s not totally bad for you. Even my husband thought it was delicious! It is easily made dairy-free, gluten-free, vegan and depending on the dark chocolate you use, can have no refined sugar! Amazing!

Continue reading “Healthier Chocolate Caramel Slice (gluten-free, dairy-free, vegan, low refined sugar)”

Chocolate, Rum and Raisin Truffles

Happy holidays everyone! I have been rather absent from my blog in recent months, due to a combination of factors – dud recipes, baking the same old things, being too lazy to write things up and getting mega stressed out with my PhD. This year I want to complete my PhD with my mental health in tact, so hopefully getting back on the blog will help with that. Continue reading “Chocolate, Rum and Raisin Truffles”

Gluten-free Carrot Cake

Hello all!

Long time no blog! My apologies, I’ve been travelling and sciencing.

In August we went to the USA for two weeks to attend the wedding of a good friend. We spent our time in Boston, New York and Maine. It was wonderful to get a holiday, to catch up with family and friends, and to get a taste of the warm weather again! Continue reading “Gluten-free Carrot Cake”

Feijoa and Coconut Cake (gluten and dairy-free)

Well, we truly are in the throes of autumn. While it’s sad to farewell the sun, autumn yields some amazing fruit as a consolation. I am delighting in feijoas, persimmons and tamarillos. This truly is my absolute favourite thing about autumn – the daily gorge of seasonal fruit. Yum! Continue reading “Feijoa and Coconut Cake (gluten and dairy-free)”

Gluten-free Lemon and Orange Cake

gluten free lemon cake 2

Do you ever put your cake in the oven with a heavy heart, certain that what you’ve made is a disaster, only to be pleasantly surprised when serving up?

Last week I was baking a cake for my hubby’s birthday. He’d requested lemon. “Great, I love lemon cake.” I thought to myself. However, it turned out things weren’t going to be as simple as I hoped. Continue reading “Gluten-free Lemon and Orange Cake”