In praise of the humble banana loaf

Until yesterday, I never quite realised just how important banana loaf was to me. You see, it has always been a part of my life, something familiar and comforting, but something to which I never really paid a lot of attention. You see, banana loaf isn’t really anything special, but it has always been there in the background of life. Continue reading “In praise of the humble banana loaf”

Banana and Hazelnut Muffins

Hello everyone.

Sorry (again!) for the absence… it’s not that I haven’t been baking – I have, but since starting this blog I’ve become quite critical of everything I make and fussy about whether or not my recipes are good enough to post. As if PhD anxiety wasn’t enough! On a side note, my supervisor fully encouraged me to do some more ‘stress-relieving baking’ the other day. I was all “Wah, I think my vector has a mutation! Wah, my scholarship is running out! Wah, things aren’t working! Booohoooo! Woe is me!” So apparently the answer is to bake more. For my own mental health. Mind you, I don’t think anyone in the lab minds being a guinea pig for my kitchen experiments either. Continue reading “Banana and Hazelnut Muffins”

Hello world. Like loaf?

Hello everyone.

I thought I’d debut my blog with a humble fruit loaf that I made on the weekend. We came back from camping over the New Year period with some rather bruised and battered fruit that wasn’t particularly appealing to eat straight, but would be wasteful to discard. Have you ever noticed how quickly stone fruits go bad if stored at room temperature? Within the blink of an eye a relatively inoffensive peach will turn, covering your fruit bowl with slime, attracting all fruit flies in the vicinity and filling your kitchen with a sweet and slightly pungent aroma. I was forced to take quick action, excising the offending chunks of peach to salvage the remainder. But never fear, when combined with some mushy bananas and cinnamon… I had myself a lovely loaf.  Continue reading “Hello world. Like loaf?”